Amakonda Renovations & Handyman Services
Amakonda Renovations & Handyman Services
  • Amakonda Renovations & Handyman Services - renovations in Round Rock and surrounding area.

    Specializing in small home renovations.  

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    Doing what I love

    Hi, I am Tom Helmer, and I have renovated homes, built homes, and helped family, friends, and neighbors with their projects much of my life - all while holding down my "real" job in the tech industry which was great training in project management and customer care.  I love to build and create.  My company's name, "Amakonda," is Chichewa meaning "He loves."  I was introduced to Chichewa on my trips to Malawi in sub-Saharan Africa, where I taught young adults construction skills. 

    Giving back

    I am a firm believer in giving back.  In 2017, I led my 10th Habitat for Humanity build  - this was my 21st build overall.  HFH is a great organization!  I also am an advisor to the board of a local non-profit in Round Rock which supports a community in Malawi, provides safe drinking water in Nicaragua, and helps a community in South Texas.  10% of my profits are returned to this and other charities working on creating self-sustaining communities. 

    Here to help!

    If you are looking to renovations in Georgetown, Round Rock, Cedar Park and the surrounding area, call 737-808-2898, e-mail ( or scroll down and click the "Drop me a line."  I am ready to help upgrade and beautify your stairs, change out that old kitchen faucet, tile the bathroom floor, or engrave your house number on the curb. 

    Contact Tom

    Help is a call away

    Servicing North Austin, Cedar Park, Georgetown,  Round Rock, and the surrounding areas.

    Amakonda Renovations, LLC

    Round Rock, Texas, United States

    (737) 808-2898